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30 Day Challenge Begins…

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I have decided as a little spring cleaning to commit myself to a 30 day Yoga Challenge! I have been slacking a bit in my practice and also indulging in too many cocktails and cookies and this winter 🙂 I know what makes me feel good. I know how to stay present in the moment, how to not let small things get to me, and how to keep my energy high to attract more positivity into my life. For me, the answer is Yoga! I discovered this about two years ago when I found my “yoga home”. They practice in mild heat and the class is very meditative. No music, which allows you to be in complete mediation the entire time. They encourage you to practice everyday, even if it’s only a little bit at home. I started noticing how blissful I felt after leaving a class. More so, I realized how much more balanced I became the more I practiced. I soon discovered that when I practice regularly, all the good stuff in my life comes into focus and the other stuff that doesn’t really matter anyway…just fades away…

I have found through MUCH EXPERIENCE that when Stress starts to take over, we have too options, Re-Act or Surrender. When you surrender you let things work out, when you re-act your persist which only makes the resolve that much harder. For me, Yoga helps me to Surrender to the things that I have no control over. When I practice regularly I am much happier, calmer, grateful, balanced, patient, more peaceful, and pretty much live a more rounded life…

I woke up on my birthday last Tuesday with a Renewed Feeling. You know that feeling when you are just Ready?! Even though I hadn’t made any physical changes, I made the change mentally and emotionally and that made all the difference!!!

So, today’s the day and the challenge begins! I will do yoga everyday for 30 days, no matter what!!!! I hope this inspires you to do something for yourself that you have been putting off! Remember we are no good to others, unless we take care of ourselves first!!!!

Happy Spring Cleaning 🙂 !!!!

P.S. If you are interested the place I practice is.. Encinitas Yoga 🙂

And I’ll leave you with a photo of Jer and I during my birthday celebration (taken on my iphone 🙂
I love this man 🙂 !!!