My Blog

I declare this “Count Your Blessings Friday”

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If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone mention “the economy.” Just this week alone I am sure I could buy a new pair of shoes or at least have a manicure! But, that is the point, I am not receiving a dollar, and neither are you. Things appear to be pretty bad right now, more for some than others. I was just told that 5 million people lost there jobs this year alone! Wow! And you thought you were hurting. All I can say to the person who informed me of this, is THANK YOU! Thank you for putting my life back into perspective. Thank you for helping me realize that even when times are a little harder, at least I am still working. At least I don’t have a family to feed, a mortgage to pay, and no way of doing it. Quite the contrary, I live blocks from the beach that I have the privilege of visiting on any random afternoon, I live in a beautiful home, I have the husband of my dreams, and my life is filled with friends and family who make me laugh. I am so so so blessed. I needed to write this today as a reminder to myself and everyone reading this. Because when things in your life are hard, just ask yourself, “does someone else have it harder?” I can guarantee the answer is yes. Not that other people’s pain should make you feel better. By all means, it shouldn’t! But, It should make you realize how good you have it!

and because no post is complete without a photo….

I got a new lens yesterday and I was trying it out in the studio before a shoot, and Lucy just happened to walk by 🙂

Happy “count your blessings” Friday Everyone!!!