About Susie


When I was 7, I fell in love. I don’t know if it was the shiny black case, the bright red button, or the magic of the square photos that developed right before my eyes, but my mom’s Polaroid camera was basically my first crush – and I’ve been inspired by photography ever since. My love for this craft led me to graduate cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in photography from Kent State University. After graduating and moving with my husband to San Diego, I discovered a few other things that inspired me, too: real people, new places, and capturing moments of beauty whenever I could. I spent 20 years of my career shooting weddings, and have since moved on to specialize in portraits of all types.
In addition to photography, I am also very passionate about health and wellness and mindfulness. I am an advocate ( independent sales rep ) for Green Compass Global as well, as well as a yoga teacher.
I teach yoga at a little studio in Ogden, NC called A Body Empowered. My best friend and fitness Guru, Amy Ronda, founded this studio that changes lives daily. We have all types of fitness classes and small group personal training, so if you are in Wilmington, please check it out. I also work with clients on Private yoga sessions, mediation practices, etc. I would love for you to follow both my instagram accounts, and share yours, so we can get to know each other “beyond the lens.” My photography page is @susielinquist, and my personal page is @suslinquist on instagram.