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:: Compassion ::

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Do you have it? Do you see when you are not being compassionate? How do you feel when others are lacking compassion for you? Are you compassionate toward yourself? I am realizing the more compassion I have for myself, the more compassion I have for others. It all starts with the individual. If we love ourselves, we can more easily love others. If we forgive ourselves, we can more easily forgive others. If we stop judging people for actions they take, we can more easily stop judging ourselves.

I have learned through many experiences to never judge. Does that mean I don’t judge….others or myself??? NO, but I am working on it. We, as humans, have so much depth. There is no way to ever truly know what life is like for someone else. If we are unable to walk in their shoes, how could we ever have the right to judge them?! If we don’t judge, and we let people be themselves and live knowing they are ok to be who they are, then our world will be much less scary. It will in fact be full of love, compassion and trust! Not just for those close to us, but for the strangers that walk down the street. The strangers are in fact our brothers and sisters, too, right? So, why is it that we treat them as if they don’t matter? This is something to think about when experiencing road rage 🙂 Imagine it was your best friend or sister in the car ahead….would you have more compassion for their lack of signaling?? 🙂

“Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Dan Millman – Laws of Spirit

Next time a judgement towards someone enters your head, stop and think….Would I want to be judged for one simple action…?


I am reading a fabulous and truly inspiring book called The Laws of Spirit by Dan Millman ( author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.) Ever notice that sometimes you pick up a book and it is exactly what you need at that moment?! If you are looking for a little inspiration and a quick read, check out this book!

There is also the fabulous Peaceful Warrior movie, if you prefer to sit back with some popcorn and let the inspiration soak in that way 🙂