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25 random things about me….

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I was tagged in Facebook many times to do this and I have finally given in. The one thing I left out is that I am a facebook addict, so if you are on there, find me!!!!

1. I am grateful for my FREEDOM!!!!!
2. My family is the most important thing in the world to me!
3. I knew I was going to marry my husband after one date!
4. I am almost ready to start having babies, but not quite yet…
5. I think laughing is the best way to spend your time.
6. The Lehman people make me want to start a family.
7. Jeremy and I name all of our plants out of respect and they are called Ching Chong, Jerome Jr., Sally, Vera, Money, and baby boo….
8. I feel that my greatest gift in this life is my husband, and sometimes I can’t believe he still loves me after 8 years of Life Threatening PMS!!!!
9. I am the worlds worst speller, and I will have Jeremy proof-read this, as he does all my blog posts before I publish.
10. When I get mad or frustrated I like to clean.
11. I wish I could sing and dance more than anything in the world, but I can’t……at all!!!
12. My cat Lucy is my happy place.
13. I tried for so long not to like TV, but I have given up because it just feels good.
14. I am a movie junkie, and feel that popcorn is essential to the experience.
15. I believe that Gossip Girl is the best guilty pleasure a girl can have.
16. When I am with Jeremy, I feel at home.
17. Living in Encinitas sometimes feels like a dream because it is so Unbelievably Beautiful!
18. I really want to start offering Boudoir Sessions, but wish I had a studio to do so…
19. I’m in the process of re-branding, and have found it surprisingly hard to discover the “look” that embodies Susie Linquist Photography.
20. I have a plethora of fabulous girlfriends, and they all bring something completely different to my life!
21. Am thankful for my sister Becca that allows me to look at the dysfunction and laugh at it.
22. When I practice yoga I feel like nothing else in the world matters.
23. I will one day live in Encinitas Ranch.
24. I LOVE all things “Linquist” and I think I struck gold by joining that family!
25. I’m excited for the super bowl today, not because I love football, but because I was raised a steelers fan, and couldn’t escape it if I tried!!!!! “Here we go Steelers, here we go.”