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4 reasons you think you aren’t ready for your boudoir shoot. Part I

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You are ready for your boudoir session NOW.  Trust me, you are ready now.  Don’t believe me? Keep reading.

Part I

The first reason you are probably thinking you aren’t ready for a shoot is because of your bod.   You all think you have to get your body juuuuuuust right.  Well guess what my friend, I have been shooting boudoir for 10 years and even the most confident women, never think their body is really perfect enough to do a shoot, UNTIL after they have done the shoot!!   What I want to stress to you is that your body actually is perfect now, and thinking it’s not, is exactly the reason you need to do this.  What I see, and what my lens sees is very different from what you see in your bathroom mirror.  You know those pesky dimples ( and I don’t mean the ones on your face ) yeah, those don’t exist in my studio.  I guarantee it.  Not because I retouch them magically away, but because I have very flattering light that will not emphasize them.  Did you ever notice you can walk into one dressing room and want to cry, and walk into another and feel like a Victorias Secret Swimsuit Model? Well that is 100% because of the lighting and mirrors.  MIRROS LIE, and bad lighting just sucks and makes it works.  So if getting your body just right is your excuse for not booking your shoot, then you can let that one go 🙂

Stay tuned for Part II, so we can let those excuses so you can finally do this! xoxo